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The following outlines health records, exam and immunization requirements for applicants to  health sciences programs.

For the full immunization policy, visit the college policy page.

Health Examination Record

Students accepted into a Health Sciences program must complete the Health Examination Record.

Health Sciences students must be free of contagion, have sufficient stamina and mental stability to fulfill the requirements of the program as well as the customary requirements of the profession. You must be able to:

  • Work for eight to 12 hours performing physical tasks requiring strength and motor coordination without jeopardy to patient and student safety (for example: bending, lifting, turning and ambulating patients).
  • Perform fine movements and be able to manipulate instruments and a variety of equipment according to established procedures and standards of speed and accuracy.
  • Establish and work toward goals in a consistently responsible, realistic manner.
  • Have auditory ability sufficient to monitor and assess health needs (for example: communicate verbally, in an effective manner, with patients and other personnel).
  • Have visual ability sufficient for observation and assessment necessary for patient care (for example: read and process patient-related information such as patient charts and requisitions).

Your Health Examination Record must include documentation of:

  • Students who are accepted will be required to submit a Health Examination Record completed by a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant validating that the student meets the technical standard of good physical and mental health as established by the School of Health Sciences and verifying that the student is free of communicable diseases as evidenced by required immunizations/titers.
  • Immunization to rubeola (measles), mumps, rubella and varicella (chickenpox)
  • Hepatitis B immunity or proof of three doses of the HBV vaccine or declination
  • Freedom from tuberculosis evidenced by either a PPD test or chest x-ray (time frame for updated PPDs to be determined by each program)
  • An updated tetanus/Tdap vaccine
  • Influenza vaccine is required for most programs

Students must update any changes to the above as they occur.

Immunization Requirements

AACC’s School of Health Sciences bases its immunization requirements on guidelines set forth by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A few things to note:

  • Childhood vaccinations are acceptable if the dates are validated by a health care provider.
  • A clinical history of a disease is not acceptable as immunity.
  • Some immunizations should not be given to those who are allergic to them or to pregnant women. If this is your situation, you must submit a written statement from your doctor validating the circumstances and specifically what immunization you cannot have. If pregnant, the immunization requirement must be met after delivery per physician's time frame.
    Note: Clinical sites may not approve placement of unimmunized students.

Confirmation of immunity is required for all the following diseases. Select the drop-down menu to learn how to confirm your immunity.

Rubeola (Measles)

Immunity may be confirmed by:

  • Written laboratory results of a rubeola titer indicating immunity (equivocal results do not demonstrate immunity)
  • Documentation of two measles or two measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccinations on or after the first birthday. If no evidence of prior documentation is available, the two vaccinations are required to be no less than one month apart. Must be validated on the form by a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant.

Rubella (German Measles)

Immunity may be confirmed by:

  • Written laboratory results of a rubella titer indicating immunity (equivocal results do not demonstrate immunity)
  • Documentation of one dose of rubella vaccine or one measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination on or after the first birthday. Must be validated on the form by a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant.


Immunity may be confirmed by:

  • Written laboratory results of a mumps titer indicating immunity (equivocal results do not demonstrate immunity).
  • Documentation of two measles or two measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccinations on or after the first birthday. If no evidence of prior documentation is available, the two vaccinations are required to be no less than one month apart. Must be validated on the form by a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant.

Varicella (Chickenpox)

Immunity may be confirmed by:

  • Written laboratory results of a titer for varicella indicating immunity (equivocal results do not demonstrate immunity)
  • Documentation of the varicella vaccination series (two immunizations at least four weeks apart). Must be validated on the form by a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant. 

Tuberculosis Screening

Immunity may be confirmed by:

  • A PPD test (tine test not acceptable) must be performed. Test must be given no more than nine months prior to the first day of class unless indicated otherwise for specific programs. Quantiferon blood test also will be accepted. However, if a clinical site requests the skin test, the student must have that completed. 

    Requirement:  Students will receive specific information and instructions for TB testing when they are selected into their program.  These instructions will indicate which tests are required and acceptable for their designated program. Options include, a single PPD test, a two-step PPD test, a QuantiFeron Blood Test, a T-Spot Test, or Clear Chest X-ray.

    If the PPD result is significantly positive, in duration greater than 10mm, a chest X-ray must be performed. A copy of the report must be attached.

    If you have a history of positive PPD tests, a chest X-ray report must be submitted. The chest X-ray must be within one year of start date of class (some programs may want them at a certain time of the year).

    Students in health sciences programs must update their tuberculosis screening annually. If a student has a history of a positive PPD, they must have their physician complete a Positive PPD Questionnaire and will not be required to repeat the chest x-ray. Email for a form.

Hepatitis B

Vaccination against Hepatitis B is not required, but highly recommended.

Immunity may be confirmed by:

  • Written documentation of vaccine series. This must be validated on the form by a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant.
  • Written laboratory results of HBsab titer indicating immunity

Students who elect not to have the vaccinations are required to sign a declination form.


Tdap Vaccine: Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis immunity is required. Tdap vaccine must be validated by a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant. Health sciences students should then receive Td (tetanus) boosters every 10 years thereafter and it must not expire prior to graduation. If it does, you will need an updated Td booster. Students who have not or are unsure if they previously received a dose of the Tdap should receive a dose of the Tdap according to the CDC. Documentation of at least one Tdap is required.

Massage therapy students do not need tetanus vaccine documentation.

Influenza and COVID-19

The School of Health Sciences’ Health Examination Requirements are aligned with the clinical site requirements. The clinical sites allow students to fulfill their program-required clinical rotations pursuant to an Affiliation Agreement with the college. Therefore, the college and its students are required to abide by and follow the clinical site requirements.

Most of the clinical sites require proof of the influenza vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine. Some may require other vaccines as well. If the site requires one of these vaccines, it will not permit students on-site without evidence of the vaccine. If a student does not provide documentation that they have received any vaccinations required by the student’s assigned site, the student may not attend the clinical rotation and will be at risk of not completing the program requirements. 

As part of our commitment to the health and safety of AACC employees, students, the greater community, and patients and employees at our clinical site affiliates (“clinical site”), all employees and students participating in clinicals, externships or internships in a health care or clinic setting within the School of Health Sciences or the School of Continuing Education and Workforce Development (“clinicals”) will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Testing will not be permitted in lieu of vaccination for individuals participating in clinicals, unless the individual has requested and been granted an accommodation.

Beginning with the spring 2022 term, those individuals who remain unvaccinated after the Dec. 1, 2021, deadline may not be able to attend a clinical, unless they request and are approved by the college for an accommodation. Failure to be fully vaccinated may result in a student’s inability to progress or successfully complete the program of study.

The college recognizes that some individuals may not be able to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Students and employees who have a medical condition, disability or sincerely held religious beliefs that prevent them from receiving the COVID-19 vaccination may be eligible for an accommodation, depending on the circumstances. Students must apply for an accommodation by the deadlines set by the college. If an accommodation is granted, the employee or student will be required to submit to weekly testing for COVID-19 and submit test results to the college by Wednesday each week.

Note: The clinical site may not accept an accommodation granted by the college, which may preclude successful course and program completion. Students enrolled in a course taking place at an off-site location must comply with the clinical site’s policies, procedures, rules and regulations regarding vaccination and testing for COVID-19. If a student does not comply with the clinical site’s rules, the student may be unable to participate in the course at the clinical site location and will possibly have to withdraw or fail the course. Individuals may request an exemption or accommodation directly from the clinical site. If granted by the clinical site, the college will abide by that determination with respect to the clinical site’s rules. However, the clinical site’s determination does not guarantee that the college will grant an accommodation with respect to its vaccine mandate for clinicals. If denied by the clinical site, the individual may not be permitted to that site. 

COVID-19 Information on Clinicals, Externships and Internships