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Nursing students in lab instruction.

Application Process

  1. Credit students must apply for admission to AACC, identify Health and Human Services as their Field of Interest and select Registered Nursing (A.S.) as the degree. The general college application process is further detailed on the credit application page.
  2. To apply to the program, you must submit a completed LPN, Paramedic, Veterans to RN Advanced Placement application, which can be found on the Health Sciences Applicants page.  The fall application will be available in January and due April 30. The spring application will be available in May and due August 30. 
  3. You can apply to the program only after meeting all academic and admission criteria. Know your program's requirements and follow directions carefully (see Admission and Academic Requirements below).
  4. The application will be reviewed and you will receive notification in your AACC student email account indicating your application is complete.
  5. Incomplete applications will not be processed. You will be notified through your AACC email if the required information was not submitted. As long as your application is complete, you only need to apply once. A future seat will be reserved for you.
  6. Email your application to You may also mail your application to:

Anne Arundel Community College
ATTN: School of Health Sciences Admissions, HLSB 174
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012


Before you meet with a Health Sciences academic advisor, apply to AACC and submit official transcripts from prior academic institutions.

If you plan to transfer general education requirements, have your official transcript sent directly to the college's records and registration office. The official transcripts from all previously attended institutions of higher education must be submitted.

Foreign Education and International Students

If you are an international student, there may be additional requirements for you. Visit our international student admissions page to learn more about visa status and for other valuable information.

Foreign Education Transcripts

Foreign educated students must have their college and high school transcripts evaluated by one of the following credential evaluators:

F-1 Visa Students Nonnative English Speaker TOEFL Requirement

International students who plan to obtain an F-1 visa and whose native language is not English must submit a satisfactory Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score. Review AACC’s TOEFL Score Requirement webpage for information, including exemptions for the TOEFL requirement.

Social Security Number Requirement

If you do not have a Social Security number, you may not be permitted at some clinical rotation sites, and site availability could delay or inhibit your progression in the program. An international student admission specialist in AACC's Admissions and Enrollment Development office may be able to assist students with F-1 visa status to obtain a Social Security number through practical training. Call them at 410-777-2677.

Admission and Academic Requirements

Information Session

Attendance at an information session is highly recommended prior to submitting the LPN, Paramedic, Veterans to RN Advanced Placement program application. Call 410-777-7310 for dates, times and locations, or view the schedule on AACC's online calendar.

  • There is no cost to attend.
  • We offer in-person and virtual information sessions.
  • Detailed information regarding program, profession, admission and academic requirements and selection criteria will be discussed.


You must demonstrate eligibility for ENG-101/ENG-101A. There are a number of ways to determine this.

  • Qualifying SAT/ACT scores
  • Appropriate score on the English placement test
  • Unweighted high school GPA (if you graduated in the last five years)
  • Successful completion of developmental courses, if applicable
  • Transfer of credits for ENG-101 equivalent (English Composition 1)
  • Appropriate score on an AP exam
  • Appropriate score on a CLEP test
  • Appropriate score on GED® test

NOTE: ENG-101/ENG-101A completed with a grade of C or better is a prerequisite to applying to LPN, Paramedic, Veterans to RN Advanced Placement.

See an academic advisor for information, or visit our Determine Placement page.


You must demonstrate eligibility for MAT-137 (College Algebra) or MAT-135 (Statistics). There are a number of ways this can be done. 

  • Qualifying SAT/ACT scores
  • Appropriate score on the mathematics placement test
  • Unweighted high school GPA plus coursework (if you graduated in the last five years)
  • Successful completion of developmental courses, if applicable
  • Transfer of credits for a MAT-137 course
  • Appropriate score on an AP exam
  • Appropriate score on a CLEP test

NOTE: MAT-137, completed with a grade of C or better, is a prerequisite to applying to LPN, Paramedic or Veterans to RN Advanced Placement. MAT-135, MAT-145, MAT-151, MAT-191 or MAT-230 satisfies the MAT-137 requirement. (Former MAT courses, MAT-121, MAT-131, MAT-141 or MAT-142, will also satisfy the MAT-137 requirement).

For information see an academic advisor or visit our Determine Placement page.


You must present evidence of successful completion with a grade of C or better in a chemistry course by the date the application is submitted as demonstrated by one of the following:

  • U.S. high school general chemistry (1 credit)*


  • Noncredit (CHE-011) or credit chemistry (CHE-111 or CHE-103)

Note: CHE-011, CHE-111 or CHE-103 courses are eligible for the Health Manpower Shortage Tuition Waiver.


  • Transfer of credits for a credit chemistry course from a regionally accredited institution.*

*If your chemistry course was taken in high school or another college, an official transcript will be required.

If home-schooled, the high school curriculum must be under a recognized umbrella organization with the supervision of a state-approved curriculum. AACC may require a course syllabus so our chemistry department chair can review and approve the curriculum.

High School Graduate or Equivalency or College Degree


  • Provide transcript(s) verifying an associate degree or higher from a nationally recognized institution or official college transcript verifying completion of 27 credits or more with a grade of C or better from a nationally recognized institution.

An official transcript is required if course evaluation and transfer is required and/or if your chemistry requirement was completed in high school.

Note: A transcript/equivalency certificate is considered official when enclosed in a sealed envelope from the institution or sent electronically by the sending institution. It must also include a graduation/completion date and a school official’s signature. Your application will not be considered complete if the required documentation is not received prior to or at the time your application is submitted.


All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 (no rounding) by the spring term for fall admission and the application deadline for spring admission. All science courses must have been taken within 10 years of the date the application is submitted. Due to the selection process, the program cannot accept pass-fail as a replacement for letter grades in the required courses. 

  • ENG-101/101A (Academic Writing and Research 1)+: 3 credit hours
  • PSY-111 (Introduction to Psychology): 3 credit hours
  • PSY-211 (Developmental Psychology): 3 credit hours
  • MAT-137 (College Algebra) or higher^: 3 credit hours
  • BIO-223 (General Microbiology)#: 4 credit hours
  • BIO-231 (Human Biology 1)#: 4 credit hours
    BIO-232 (Human Biology 2)#: 4 credit hours


    BIO-233 (Anatomy & Physiology 1)#*: 4 credits
    BIO-234 (Anatomy & Physiology 2)#*:  4 credits

+ Students who have previously completed ENG-111, 115 or 121 with a grade of C or better have fulfilled the ENG-101/101A requirement

^ MAT-135, MAT-145, 151, 191, 202, 230 or 235 satisfies the MAT-137 requirement. Former MAT courses, 121, 131, 141 and 142, will also satisfy the MAT-137 requirement. (See admission requirements for information.) 

# Must have been taken within 10 years of the date the application is submitted.

* Fundamentals of Biology (BIO-101) is a college prerequisite for BIO-233. Therefore, it will take three terms to complete this science sequence. BIO-101 must be successfully completed prior to submitting your program application, if choosing to take BIO-233 and 234. BIO-101 is not part of the curriculum, therefore if you transfer in BIO-233/234 it is not required.

You will find course descriptions in the AACC College Catalog for the listed program prerequisites.

Additional Requirements


Official transcript from LPN training must be submitted to verify successful completion of LPN training from a state-approved licensed practical nursing program.

The following material must be submitted to continue the application process:

  • Official transcript from a state-approved licensed practical nursing program
  • Copy of current active Maryland LPN license. LPNs must have an active, unencumbered Maryland license, in agreement with the Maryland Board of Nursing and the Maryland Higher Education Commission OR If licensed in one of the compact states, visit the Compact Nursing States List for information.
  • Verification of current employment as an LPN for a minimum full-time equivalent (2,080 hours) of one year within the last three calendar years by the date the application is submitted
  • Submission of Clinical Experience Form (included with application)
  • Submission of Work Performance Evaluation (included with application)


Official transcript from paramedic training must be submitted to verify successful completion of the training from a state-approved, licensed paramedic program.

The following material must be submitted to continue the application process:

  • Official transcript from a state-approved licensed paramedic program
  • Copy of an active Maryland Paramedic license. Paramedics must have an active, unencumbered Maryland license from the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems
  • Verification of current employment as a paramedic for a minimum full-time equivalent (2,080 hours) of one year within the last three calendar years
  • Submission of Clinical Experience Form (included with application)
  • Submission of Work Performance Evaluation (included with application)


Applicants must be a medic/corpsman to qualify for this program with at least one year of experience within the last three calendar years.

The following material must be submitted to continue the application process:

  • Submit a copy of your DD-214 (Certification of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) as verification of your required medical service.

Satisfactory Academic Standing

You must have a minimum adjusted grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 at this college to be considered for selection to the Registered Nursing program.

College Credit Transfer

If you have taken program prerequisites or other general education courses at a nationally recognized institution other than AACC, you must submit official transcripts with your application for review.

Learn more about transfer credit.

Note: A transcript/equivalency certificate is considered official when enclosed in a sealed envelope from the institution or sent electronically by the sending institution. It must also include a graduation/completion date, if applicable, and a school official’s signature. Your application will not be considered complete if the required documentation is not received prior to or at the time your application is submitted.

Required Courses

The required courses for this program may be found in the Loading.... All students must receive a minimum grade of C or better in each prerequisite course and each general education course. Due to the selection process, the program cannot accept pass-fail as a replacement for letter grades in the required courses.

Fundamentals, Adult and Childbearing Family Nursing Transition Course (NURS-159)

Selected students will start Fundamentals, Adult and Childbearing Family Nursing Transition Course (NURS-159), which is a 6-credit, online, 16-week course through American Public University System (APUS). AACC will notify APUS of selected students. APUS will then contact students to set up registration. Once a student’s registration is confirmed, the student will receive information regarding the books required for the course. This course will start in January/August of the selected term prior to the regular start date. For cost, visit: Tuition & Fees | American Public University (


Selection Process

The criteria used to select candidates will be applied in the following order:

  • Applications must be submitted by the application deadline date.
  • You are eligible for selection if you have completed all the admissions and academic requirements by the date your application is submitted.

The following will be evaluated:

  • Students with the highest selected GPA of all prerequisites to include advanced placement scores and transfer grades. If a prerequisite course is repeated, the most recent grade is used in calculating GPA.
  • Students who have the greatest number of years of service as a medic/corpsman or licensure as an LPN or paramedic.
  • Students who have the longest continuous enrollment at this college. Students who have completed all required coursework and are not currently taking classes will be considered as having continuous enrollment.


Applicants who have met the academic and admission requirements and have been selected will receive an email at their AACC email address offering acceptance into the program.

If you are granted acceptance, you must accept your seat in the program.

To meet additional program and clinical requirements, students must submit a completed health examination record, American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) CPR, urine drug screen and criminal background check by designated deadlines. Students who do not meet these deadlines will not be permitted in the program. Instructions on how to complete these items and the specific deadlines will be provided via email.

Qualified applicants not initially selected for acceptance will be placed on a waitlist in the order received and notified of selection when a seat becomes available. Waitlist applicants not given a seat for the term which they applied for must reapply for future consideration.

Applicants who are offered a seat, but decline will have to reapply for a future seat as seats will not be held.

Health Examination Record

Students accepted to this program must submit a health examination record completed by a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant validating that the student meets the technical standard of good physical and mental health as established by the School of Health Sciences. It also must verify that the student is free of communicable diseases as evidenced by required immunizations/titers.

Learn more about the health examination record to include vaccinations and technical standards.

Criminal Background Check and Drug Screen

All Health Sciences students who are offered acceptance and/or clinical placement into the Advanced Placement Registered Nursing program are required to satisfactorily complete a criminal background check and a urine drug screening. For complete details, see the Background Checks page


Students must successfully complete the American Heart Association Basic Life Support CPR certification course by the designated deadline.

Anne Arundel Community College and/or the School of Health Sciences reserves the right to revise requirements for admission into the Health Sciences programs, the selection criteria and procedures, and the required courses for programs of study as deemed necessary without prior notification.